Appendix B
Cleaning the Optics
Cleaning Lenses
Any quality optical lens cleaning tissue and optical lens cleaning
fluid specifically designed for multi-coated optics can be used
to clean the front (meniscus) lens of the StarMax 90 Maksutov-
Casegrain and exposed lenses of your eyepieces. Never use
regular glass cleaner or cleaning fluid designed for eyeglasses.
Before cleaning with fluid and tissue, blow any loose particles
off the lens with a blower bulb. Then apply some cleaning fluid
to a tissue, never directly on the optics. Wipe the lens gently in a
circular motion, applying only very slight pressure, then remove
any excess fluid with a fresh lens tissue. Oily fingerprints and
smudges may be removed using this method. Use caution; rub-
bing too hard may scratch the lens. On larger lenses, clean only
a small area at a time, using a fresh lens tissue on each area.
Never reuse tissues.
Cleaning Mirrors
You should not have to clean the SkyScanner 100 Reflector’s
primary mirror very often, if ever. (and you will never need to
clean the primary mirror of the StarMax 90 Mak-Cass, since it
is inside a closed tube.) Covering the telescope with the dust
cap when it is not in use will help prevent dust from accumu-
lating on the mirrors. When bringing the telescope inside after
an evening’s viewing it is normal for moisture to accumulate
on the mirror due to the change in temperature. We suggest
leaving it uncovered overnight to allow this condensation to
evaporate. Improper cleaning can scratch mirror coatings, so
the fewer times you have to clean the mirrors, the better. Small
specks of dust or flecks of paint on the mirror have virtually no
effect on the visual performance of the telescope.
If you believe your telescope primary mirror needs cleaning,
please email us at: [email protected] or contact Orion
Technical Support at (800) 676-1343.
Figure 15.
Use the included 2mm Allen wrench to adjust the
three secondary mirror collimation setscrews.
Figure 16.
A star test will determine if the telescope's optics are
properly collimated