Installation and User's Guide
6. R4K COMMANDER (Video Wall Communication Protocol)
This document defines all the command and messages exchanged between the Master
(a PC or the other controller) and the Slave (the displays). It also describes the ways to send or read the
commands or the messages.
6.1 Protocol definition
VWCP stands for “Video Wall Communication Protocol”.
The protocol is specifically designed to allow data communication in half duplex multi-point environments,
but it can also be used for full duplex point-to-point RS-232C communication.
6.2 Communication characteristics
A half-duplex communication is implemented starting from the concept of a master-slave structure, where
the display is supposed to be the slave. The first action is always taken by the master, which can be either
a PC or any controlling device (acting as server) interfaced to the monitor. After sending a command or
a request in the appropriate format the master receives from the slave an acknowledgement, which
tells the transmitter whether the command is not valid (or not executable, anyway) or it is accepted.
In case of a request, the requested information is sent back and it becomes the acknowledgement by itself.
6.3 How to connect an external equipment(PC ↔ Monitor)
6.4 Hardware Protocol
Baud rate: 19200 bps
Data bits: 8 bit
Parity bits: None
Stop bits: 1 bit
Handshake: None
Female Pin number
Male Pin number