IDS-5042 Series
User’s Manual
ORing Industrial Networking Corp
Destination Host
Set the IP address of host.
Set the port number of data port.
Idle Timeout
When serial port stops data transmission for a defined period of time (Idle
Timeout), the connection will be closed and the port will be freed and try to
connect with other hosts. 0 indicate disable this function. Factory default
value is 0. If Multilink is configured, only the first host connection is effective
for this setting.
Alive Check
The serial device will send TCP alive-check package in each defined time
interval (Alive Check) to remote host to check the TCP connection. If the TCP
connection is not alive, the connection will be closed and the port will be freed.
0 indicate disable this function. Factory default is 0.
Connect on Startup
The TCP Client will build TCP connection once the connected serial device is
Connect on Any
The TCP Client will build TCP connection once the connected serial device
starts to send data.
Table 5-12TCP Client mode
Service Mode
– UDP Mode
Compared to TCP communication, UDP is faster and more efficient. In UDP
mode, you can Uni-cast or Multi-cast data from the serial device server to host
computers, and the serial device can also receive data from one or multiple