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Anatomical Screen
6. Sub Organ Acquisition Setup:
Data Minimum:
Is a factor, which is used to enhance the window leveling of the
PM Gain:
Photo-multiplier Gain is a factor which determines how much gain is
applied to the signal received by the photo-multiplier.(Factory Set)
Offset is a factor, which is used to eliminate noise from the image. (Factory
7. Orex Filters Setup:
Check the “ON” box to use these filters. Three of these settings
make up an “Unsharp Masking” filter, the remaining one is noise reduction.
One of three Unsharp Mask Parameters*. Smooth, Kernel and
Enhancement are used together to define how the Unsharp Mask Filter will function.
Enhancement can be set anywhere from 0 – 80.
One of three Unsharp Mask Parameters*. Smooth, Kernel and
Enhancement are used together to define how Unsharp Mask will function. Smooth
can be set anywhere from 0 – 80.
This is a noise reduction filter. Noise can be set to either 0 or 1.
One of three Unsharp Mask Parameters*. Smooth, Kernel and
Enhancement are used together to define how Unsharp Mask will function. Kernel
can be set to 3, 5 or 7.
8. Context Vision Filters Setup:
Check the “On” box to use these filters. Filters
(also know as GOP) are used for image enhancement.
Grayed out Window:
This indicates which, if any, filter is currently selected.
NOTE: Even if a filter is “selected”, no filter will be applied if the “On” box
is unchecked.
This button will select the current filter in the drop down window below.
The filter will then be displayed in the grayed out window above.
This button will remove the currently selected filter from the grayed out
window, leaving no filter selected.
Drop down window:
This window will show a list of available filters to select from.
9. Advanced Setting:
Check the box to activate an option.
External Settings:
This feature allows the use of an external program to select an
Organ, Sub Organ and Scanning Resolution.