Remote Control Interface
The Remote Control Interface is a set of eight optically-isolated inputs on a DB-25
connector that can be activated by 6-24V DC or 6-24V AC 50/60Hz signals. They can
control various functions of the 8200:
1) Recall any Factory Processing Preset, Factory Test Preset, User Preset, or exit from a test
preset to the previous processing preset.
2) Switch the stereo encoder to stereo, mono from left audio input, or mono from right audio
3) Switch the 8200 to use either the analog input or the digital input.
4) Reduce the stereo main and subchannel modulation to compensate for transmitter
overshoot and subcarrier inputs (SCAs).
The remote control of overshoot compensation and SCA modulation (See page 2-59) is
not latching. You must supply a continuous current to the remote to hold the gain at its
compensated level. Use the status outputs of your transmitter and/or SCA generators to
provide the switching signal, so the compensation will automatically follow the transmit-
ter and/or subcarrier generator on the air.
5) Reset the 8200’s internal clock to the nearest hour or to midnight.
The functions of the eight inputs can be re-configured by the user via SYSTEM SETUP. For
example, if you are not using the stereo encoder, the three inputs ordinarily dedicated to
controlling the state of the stereo encoder can instead be re-configured to call three
additional presets. See page 2-74 for information on programming the remote control
Computer Interface
Your Orban dealer can provide a program for any IBM-compatible PC (running Microsoft
Windows 3.1 or higher) that permits you to adjust any 8200 preset by remote control, or to
do most anything else that you can do from the 8200’s front panel controls. The program
displays all of the 8200’s “soft meters” on the computer screen to aid remote adjustment. It
can run on systems using VGA graphics and can drive a modem or create a direct connection
between the computer and the 8200 through their RS-232 serial ports.
There are two serial connectors. One meets the RS-232 standard; you can connect it to any
modem designed to interface with an IBM or compatible PC. You can also establish
connection between the 8200 and an IBM PC or compatible by connecting the computer’s
COM port to the 8200’s RS-232 port through a null modem cable. (The other connector
meets the RS-422 standard.)