Replacing an NVMe Storage Drive
Replace a front-mounted NVMe drive in an Oracle Database Appliance X9-2S/X9-2L
Add NVMe storage to an Oracle Database Appliance X9-2L. Note that the Oracle
Database Appliance X9-2S does not support additional storage.
Replacing an NVMe Storage Drive
Replace a front-mounted NVMe drive in an Oracle Database Appliance X9-2S/X9-2L system.
Before removing an NVMe drive it must be powered off. After installing an NVMe drive it must
be powered on. Failed drives are automatically powered off after 5 minutes.
If you remove an NVMe drive without first powering it off, you can crash the
operating system. Oracle Database Appliance uses special commands to add or
remove NVMe storage.
The instructions describe how to replace an NVMe drive using the odaadmcli power on/off
commands for an Oracle Database Appliance server.
commands listed here must be run as the root user.
Identify the NVMe drive to be replaced. Type the following command at the host:
# odaadmcli show disk
For example, the drive names
are seen by the host as NVMe0 and
NVMe1 and correspond to front drive slots 0 and 1, respectively.
Unmount and power off the drive to be replaced. Do one of the following:
If you are replacing a failed drive, check to see if its blue ready-to-remove light is lit.
If a drive has failed, it should power off automatically and light its blue ready-to-
remove indicator after 5 minutes.
If the drive being replaced doesn't already have its blue ready-to-remove indicator lit,
type the following command from the host to unmount and turn off power to the drive:
odaadmcli power disk off pd_xx
is the name of the disk to be replaced as described in step 1.
Before proceeding to the next step confirm that the blue ready-to-remove indicator on
the drive is lit.
Push the latch release button on the front of the drive to open the drive latch [1], grasp
the latch, and pull the drive out of the drive slot [2] as shown in the following figure.
Chapter 3
Oracle Database Appliance X9-2 Server Hot-Pluggable Components