Base Module Chassis Removal and Replacement (FRU)
The entire Base Module can be removed and replaced by Oracle service.
The Base Module is a field-replaceable unit (FRU) and must be serviced by an Oracle
service person. Customers should not attempt to replace the Base Module. You must
transfer the cartridge magazines, front control panel, tape drive(s), tape drive filler,
power supply, power supply filler, and the robot from the defective Base Module to the
new FRU.
Remove the Base Module Chassis
Replace the Base Module Chassis
Figure 10-7 Base Module FRU
The Robot Module, front control panel, and Base Module chassis are critical
to maintaining the product serial number and customer settings. Only replace
one unique device during a single power-down cycle.
If the library has Expansion Modules, remove all of the Expansion Modules to access
the defective Base Module.
Remove the Base Module Chassis
Removal of the Base Module is complicated and must be performed by an Oracle
Service representative.
Lock the Robot and Remove Expansion Modules
Remove Base Chassis and Parts for Reuse
Chapter 10
Base Module Chassis Removal and Replacement (FRU)