OracleJSP Page Performance Tuning
Oracle HTTP Server powered by Apache Performance Guide
Update statement batching
The JDBC driver accumulates a number of execution requests (the batch value) and
passes them to the database to be processed at the same time. You can configure the
batch value to control how frequently processing occurs.
JDBC statement caching
Cache executable statements that are repeatedly used, to avoid re-parsing,
statement object recreation, and recalculation of parameter size definitions.
Pre-fetching rows
During a query, pre-fetch multiple rows into the client to reduce round trips
between the database and the server.
Caching rowsets from the database
Cache small sets of data that are accessed frequently and do not change often. This
is not as beneficial for large data sets, since they consume more memory.
Using static includes
To invoke static includes, use the page directive:
<%@ include file=“/jsp/filename.jsp” %>
Static include creates a copy of the file in the JSP, thereby affecting its page size. This
is useful in avoiding trips to the request dispatcher (unlike dynamic includes, which
must go through the request dispatcher each time). However, file sizes should be
small to avoid exceeding the 64K limit of the service method of the generated page
implementation class.
Dynamic include
To invoke dynamic includes, use the page directive
<jsp:include page=”/jsp/filename.jsp” flush="true" />
This directive is analogous to a function call, and therefore does not increase the
page size of the JSP. However, a dynamic include increases the processing overhead
since it must go through the request dispatcher. Dynamic includes are useful for
including other pages without increasing page size.