1. Press DE-BINDING button on the LED panel.
De-binding process starts from the fully open position.
2. Hold the document by the channel with the straight side of the channel upward.
3. Place the de-binding wedge (see picture) sharp edge towards the channel and
with the angled side upwards with the blade about 8 pages in from the top,
place the whole document with the wedge on to the hooks.
4. For de-binding channels 1,5 mm and 3 mm, use the de-binding adapter. Place
the de-binding adapter on the channels, small slot is for 1,5 mm, bigger for 3mm.
5. Holding the book, then press and hold the START buttons.
6. The wedge is pushed into the document and expands the channel, after the
debinding process the jaw will move back to the fully open position.
7. Remove the wedge, document and channel together carefully from the
equipment, then remove the wedge from the document, then the channel.
OPUS MBE-300 equipment allow to bind in Metalbind and in C-BIND systems. To
bind in C-BIND system you need additional accessories:
O.CB Insert for MBE 300
(diag 1); debinding wedge
O.CB Debinding
Tool for Atlas 300 / MB 300 / MBE 300
(diag 2)