CoaXPress Status LEDs
LED colors and states are defined by CoaXPress standard. The table here after is listed all possibilities.
Camera LEDs Colors
Camera LED States
Fast Flash 12.5Hz (20ms on,
60ms off)
Slow Flash 0.5Hz (1s on, 1s
Slow pulse 1Hz (200ms on,
800ms off)
Each 4 CoaXPress links / connector has its dedicated LED indicating its status. The table here after describes
camera link status for every possible LED state.
Camera Link State
LED state
No power
System booting
Solid orange or Led Chaser
Powered, but nothing connected
(only for power over power connector)
Slow pulse red
Link detection in progress,
PoCXP active
Fast flash green
Link detection in progress,
PoCXP not in use
Fast flash orange
Camera / Grabber incompatible,
PoCXP active
Slow flash alternate red / green
Camera / Grabber incompatible,
PoCXP not in use
Slow flash alternate red / orange
Camera connected, but no data being transferred
Slow pulse green
Camera connected, waiting for event (e.g. trigger,
exposure pulse)
Slow pulse orange
Camera connected, transferring frames
Solid green
Error during data transfer
500ms red pulse
System error
Fast flash red
Firmware Update
Solid red