8.1 Menu #1
– Absolute power measurement mode
In the absolute power measurement mode the absolute value of the optical signal in
dBm units is shown on the display.
This screen will appear after the instrument is switched on and information regarding
the type of device, serial number and firmware version will appear
(if the unit was switched off in the “absolute power measurement mode”).
Selects 850, 1300, 1310, 1490, 1550, 1625 nm wavelengths.
Activates the relative power measurement mode (unit dB).
Recalls the last set reference for a selected wavelength.
Goes to menu #2.
8.2 Menu #2
– Relative power measurement mode
If the relative power measurement mode is on, the value of the optical insertion loss
in dB units which corresponds to the performed reference is shown on the display.
This screen is displayed after the instrument is switched on and information
regarding the type of device, serial number and firmware version is described
(if the unit was switched off in the “relative power measurement mode”).
Returns unit to the absolute power measurement mode (unit dBm).
Goes to menu #1.
Sets and stores the new reference for the selected wavelength.
Note: The new reference must be confirmed by the following screen: