EDFA optical amplifier – user manual
Command line
Communication via command line is not very user friendly and user needs know
basic command for Linux OS.
Use command line for basic Ethernet configuration only!
If user can´t work in Linux OS, we advice use Web interface!
For access to the device via command line use:
a) Keyboard & Monitor (ports on the motherboard)
b) Optional console (serial port on the motherboard, 115200, N, 1)
Keyboard and monitor
Switch OFF PC by PC ON/OFF button or switch both switches on the power
supply sockets OFF
Connect the keyboard and the monitor into the corresponding sockets on the
rear panel.
Switch ON CLA by switches on the power supply units or switch ON PC by PC
ON/OFF button
The access to the CLA modules is established through PC station now.
Use Lap-Link Cable (CLA accessories) and connect it to the corresponding
socket at the rear panel of CLA.
Connect the Lap-Link cable to the your computer
Run Hyperterminal software
Hyperterminal is standard software component of each operating system Windows 98, XP, Vista
Run Hyperterminal by command “hypertrm”
Set Hyperterminal configuration:
Bits per second 115200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
Press button “Enter”
Before Login to the CLA
Before login to the CLA is necessary know that all changes made in file
system are stored in the RAM memory only. To save the changes of settings
in the file system of CLA you have to execute the command
NOTE: if you don´t use command “savechanges”, all your changes will be lost after restart PC.