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rev. 1.0
Starting Up
The DD8RP is functioning independent of the format and structure of the connected devices. So no software
configuration is necessary, no ID has to be set and there is no limitation of the number of DD8RP implemented in
the network.
Hardware Connection
Each LINK is working autonomous. There are four separate repeaters or converters. To extend the distance
between two devices, e.g. two DD32E as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, one LINK interface of the DD8RP equipped
with the appropriate SFP optical transceivers is needed.
In Fig. 1 both receptacles of LINK 1 are equipped with multimode transceivers (orange). The LINK is functioning
as a repeater in order to extend the distance of a multimode connection. Port A of the LINK 1 is used as interface
to the DD32E with ID 2; port B as interface to the DD32E with ID 2.
Fig. 1: DD8RP between two DD32E, functioning as repeater in order to extend the distance of the
multimode connection.
The second example in Fig. 2 shows an application where the two DD8RP work as repeater and media converter.
The first DD8RP functions as a converter from multimode to monomode, the second DD8RP converts the signal
back to multimode. The ports of LINK 1 connected to the DD32E are equipped with multimode SFPs (orange).
The second ports of LINK 1 contain standard monomode SFPs (yellow) in order to enable distances up to 10 km.
SFPs for distances up to 70 km can be purchased on request. The converters refresh the signal as well. The full
cable length, 700 m between multimode transceivers and 10 km between monomode transceivers, is available.
Fig. 2: Two DD8RP as multimode to monomode and vice versa converters.