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Page 1: ...xcess underutilized and idle equipment along with credit for buybacks and trade ins Custom engineering so your equipment works exactly as you specify Critical and expedited services Leasing Rentals De...
Page 2: ...2590 3614 Phone 800 321 OPTO 6786 or 951 695 3000 Fax 800 832 OPTO 6786 or 951 695 2712 www opto22 com Product Support Services 800 TEK OPTO 835 6786 or 951 695 3080 Fax 951 695 3017 E mail support op...
Page 3: ...r to Opto 22 form number 1042 for complete warranty information Opto 22 FactoryFloor Cyrano Optomux and Pamux are registered trademarks of Opto 22 Generation 4 ioControl ioDisplay ioManager ioProject...
Page 5: ...AC37 High Speed Communication Adapter Card TABLE OF CONTENTS iv Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...
Page 6: ...e OpenthefileTEST1 TXT Keynamesappearinsmallcapitalletters Example PressSHIFT Keypresscombinationsareindicatedbyplussignsbetweentwoormorekeynames Forexample SHIFT F1 istheresultofholdingdowntheSHIFT k...
Page 7: ...AC37 High Speed Communication Adapter Card WELCOME vi Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...
Page 8: ...functions of the 16 550 are supported e g modem control all registers necessaryforRemoteBuscommunicationsareconfiguredinthesamemannerasaserialport SUMMARY OF FEATURES Seriallinkbaudratesto460 800 Remo...
Page 9: ...ress lines of the AT match the jumper settings the card is selected The base address must be less than 3FF Hex and have a zero or eight as the last digit Care should be taken to select a base address...
Page 10: ...icationRegistercanberoutedtooneinterruptrequestlinebyinstalling thejumperforthatline Onlyonejumpershouldbeinstalledinthisgroup andcareshouldbetakentoinsurethat nootherdeviceisusingtheselectedinterrupt...
Page 11: ...ENDSofanRS 485transmissionline andthelinemust haveonlyTWOends Thebiasingresistorsareonlynecessaryatoneplaceonthelineandaretypicallyinstalledat thehost EXAMPLES IftheAC37iscommunicatingtoaMisticModel20...
Page 12: ...Screw AC37 retainer bracket to case 4 Replace computer cover CABLE RS 485 serial lines require twisted pair cable Maximum cable length is 3 000 feet The recommended cable type is 2 twisted pair of 24...
Page 13: ...OMport 16 550UART emulationmode0 Mode1isusedwhenacompletedataresponseisreceivedand readyinthecommunicationbuffer Remove jumper 0 to set the AC37 to mode 0 for connections to Mistic I O bricks If you a...
Page 14: ...ER OFFSET 7 READ ONLY Thisregisterwillalwaysreadas37Hex whichmaybeusedbysoftwaretoidentifytheportasanAC37 Writingto thisaddresswillhavenoeffect Offset from Base Address DLAB State Register Function Ty...
Page 15: ...toa1beforethisregistercanbeaccessed IftheBaud Rate Select Register is configured to something other than the selections shown below a default baud rate of 115 200willbeset Desired Baud Rate Baud Rate...
Page 16: ...c 1 a transmit buffer empty interrupt is generated whenever the transmit FIFO is ready to accept data Refer to the description of the Transmit Buffer Empty flag bit 5 in the Line Status Register Bit 2...
Page 17: ...Refer to the Line Status Register definition for a description of these errors A Line Status Interrupt is cleared by reading the Line Status Register AReceiveDataAvailableInterruptisgeneratedwhenevert...
Page 18: ...pointers reset to 0 Data being shifted out of the transmitter is not affected This bit is self clearing and it is not necessary to write a logic 0 afterward Bit 3 Not Used Bit 4 CPU Reset To reset the...
Page 19: ...ll be interpreted as an address byte by the Remote I O Conversely if bit 4 is set to a logic 1 the 9th bit of data written to the transmit FIFO will be set to a logic 0 when transmitted and interprete...
Page 20: ...eld anolderfull lengthcardandanewerhalf sizecard Thenewer cardsupportstheuseofthisbittoenableinterrupts TheolderAC37doesnotsupporttheuseofthisbit however werecommendthatthebitstillbesettoensurecompati...
Page 21: ...g data is lost The receive FIFO is 512 bytes deep The Overrun Error Indicator is reset to a logic 0 when the Line Status Register is read Bit 2 Not Used This bit is not used and will always read as a...
Page 22: ...e is being driven to the active state by a device other than the AC37 Bit 4 functions identically to bit 0 Bit 4 is the CTS status bit in a 16 550 UART chip Bit 5 Address Data Receive Flag When the AC...
Page 23: ...AC37 High Speed Communication Adapter Card 2 10 REGISTER DEFINITION Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...
Page 24: ...ectorsandroutines fortheserialcommunicationsandexternalinterrupthandling TheG4INTjumperwill directly route the external interrupt signal to the selected interrupt request line and it may only be enabl...
Page 25: ...AC37 High Speed Communication Adapter Card EXTERNAL INTERRUPT LINE REMOTE I O IRQ 3 2 Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...
Page 26: ...which is being used ASCII Protocol The AC37 will send and receive data much the same way as it does in mode 0 except that after transmitting a carriage return the ASCII protocol end of message charac...
Page 27: ...eReceiveDataAvailableflaguntiltheentireresponseisreceived Ifareceiveerroroccurs or twosecondsexpirewithnodatahavingbeenreceived theReceiveDataAvailableflagisallowedtooperateinit s normalmanner Mode 2...
Page 28: ...uipment Have surplus equipment taking up shelf space We ll give it a new home Learn more Visit us at artisantg com for more info on price quotes drivers technical specifications manuals and documentat...