Your Fan has been boxed unassembled to minimise packag
ing waste.
Each part is designed to fit together and be disassembled easily
for cleaning or storage.
Start with the Base and Post as follows:
Remove the “Tilt Adjustment Knob” by unscrewing the knob
and slide the “Tilt Adjustment Bolt” out. Then remove the
“Base Thumb Screw” and the “Base Washer” by unscrewing
as shown.
Take the Base, Base Thumb Screw, Base Washer and Post.
Fit the Post into the recess in the top of the Base and whilst
holding it in place, turn over to access the underneath.
Place the washer over the hole and then insert the “Base Thumb
Tighten securely, then turn the assembly the right way up and
sit on a flat bench top.
Using a Screwdriver, remove the small “Tilt Range Screw”
from the coupling bracket on the fan neck and then unscrew the
small “Tilt Range Knob”.
It is important that the post and fan head are in
the correct orientation when assembled.
The top section of the post has a small horizontal open slot one
side and a small horizontal depression on the other as shown.
The side with the open slot is for the small “Tilt Range Screw”
to screw into.
The side with the small depression is for the “Tilt Range Knob”
to tighten up onto.
Take the head assembly and position the mating neck section
over the Post End as shown.
The following assembly order is important.
Slide the “Tilt Adjustment Bolt” all the way through as shown.