Version 1.0.1 - 2020-07-23
Translation of original instruction
B20 | B25 | B32
3.5.2 Assembly drilling column
Assemble of the drill table B20, B25 and B32
The longer side of the toothed rack without toothing must be upside.
Push the toothed rack into the table support.
Adjust the toothed rack within the table support in a way that the teeth of the toothed rack
cam into the spiral wheel of the support for the drilling machine table.
Push the drilling table support with the toothed rack on the drill column.
Img.3-2: Assembly drilling column
Insert the guide ring on to the column and on the toothed rack.
Fix the guide ring and the threaded pin.
Make sure that you can still easily turn the drilling table round the drill column.
Img.3-3: Assembly drilling column
Mount the crank handle for the height-adjustment of the drilling table.
Clamp the crank handle with the threaded pin.
Img.3-4: Assembly crank handle
Drilling table support
Toothed rod
Drilling column
Guide ring
Threaded pin
Hand crank