© Opticstar Ltd 2013-2015
Balancing the Telescope
It is necessary to correctly balance the mount and optical tube on the R.A. and DEC axes before proceeding. A well
balanced mount will be accurate, safer and easier to use. Always hold the optical tube firmly during all the steps of the
balancing process as the tube could easily swing under its own weight.
Balancing the Optical tube round the R.A. Axis
Firmly hold the optical tube and slowly loosen the RA locking
lever (
). Rotate the optical tube so that the counterweight shaft is
parallel/horizontal to the ground. While holding the optical tube
unlock the counterweight locking knob (
) and carefully slide the
counterweight either way until the optical tube does not drift up or
Once the optical tube is balanced tighten the counterweight
locking knob, then tighten the RA locking lever in this order.
Rotate the scope round the R.A. axis so that the counterweight
shaft is pointing down and tighten the R.A. locking lever.
Balancing the Optical tube round the DEC Axis
Make certain ensure that the counterweight shaft is pointing downwards and that the R.A. locking lever (
) is locked.
While holding the optical tube so that it does not accidentally
swing freely loosen the DEC locking lever (
). The optical tube
will now be able to rotate
‘freely’ around the DEC axis. If the
optical tube is mounted on rings loosen the ring locking knobs
that hold the optical tube in place just enough to be able to slide
the optical tube back and forth inside its own tube rings.
Slide the optical tube inside its rings to a position where the tube
is balanced. Once the optical tube is balanced tighten the ring
locking knobs and the DEC locking lever (
) on the mount.
Alternatively hold the optical tube and slightly loosen the hand-
wheel bolt on the mount’s saddle (
). You will need to move the
whole of the optical tube assembly back and forth until the optical
tube is balanced. It is important that every time you check for
balance, the hand-wheel bolt is tightened to prevent the optical
tube slipping off the saddle.
Once balanced rotate the tube to point the same direction as the
Polar scope. Tighten the hand-wheel bolt (
In certain cases, the DEC axis may be stiff and the optical tube
too light to balance the optical tube as outlined. You can
alternatively balance the optical tube round the DEC axis with the
R.A. axis rotated by 90 degrees as seen in the image on the
Special care needs to be taken when doing so, especially when
balancing heavier telescopes. Always make certain that the R.A.
locking lever (
) is tight taking special care when you slide the
optical tube in its mounting rings which is recommended, or when
sliding the optical tube back and forth on the
mount’s saddle (