Opticstar PL-131 series. © Opticstar Ltd, 2021.
Updated: 07/09/2021
Image Processing`
can be used to perform measurements on the captured image(s). It is also possible to apply
various filters and perform image processing operations.
A brief outline of
’s image processing functions is listed below:
Basic operations including Crop, Mirror, Flip, Invert, Rotate, Bright, etc.
Copy and paste user defined regions.
Distances can be measured between user defined points, circles, etc.
Angles can be calculated by defining three points on the image.
Operations can be performed on any user defined region.
Colour operations can be performed on individual R, G, B channels.
Data combine of two images.
Data calibration.
Image-zoom as a per cent of the original image.
Linear filters to soften, sharpen, emboss, blur and Gaussian.
Non-linear filters for median, erode, dilate, contour, edge and jitter.
Transform filters for pinch, punch, twirl and cylinder.
Fluorescence filters for gamma, colorize, mix and combine.