Laptop Operation
A laptop computer contains an integrated keyboard
whereas a desktop computer uses an external
keyboard. When using a desktop computer with a
scanner that is designed to emulate keyboard
input, the scanner is wedged into the cable that
connects the external keyboard to the computer
(hence, the term wedge scanner). Since a
laptop keyboard is internal, there is no cable
accessible to use a standard wedge connection for
a scanner. However, most laptops make provision
for an external keyboard via a separate keyboard
connector (or port). Since the scanner
connections to the laptop are different from the
connections to a desktop computer, the scanner
must be programmed specifically to operate as an
external keyboard device. This is accomplished by
using the programming codes on page 9.
Upon power-up, the laptop
checks to see what is connected to its external
ports and sets its internal operation accordingly. If
the scanner is not connected to the laptop prior to
turning on the power, the laptop will not see the
scanner, even when you subsequently plug it in
and program the scanner for laptop operation.
The scanner must be plugged into the laptop prior
to turning on the power on or the laptop must be
rebooted once the scanner has been connected in
order for the laptop to recognize presence of the
scanner. This can be done before or after the
scanner has been programmed for laptop
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