Opti-Sciences, Inc.
CCM-200 plus operator's manual
The error codes describe the problem encountered.
Error Codes miscellaneous message text info for version 1.3a 5/11 rr
Boot up message: errors with uSD memory:
"SD init error"
"SD error #xx"
"on command #xx"
"NV load error"
If you get any of the 3 errors above, first take out the battery, hold the power switch for 30 sec,
then replace battery. If error goes away ok, else the unit will probably need to come in for
" ! Error Warning !"
"File System Corrupt!"
"Perform Format on Unit"
This error occurs if the uSD card is corrupted. We saw this when the power was switched off
while still in transfer mode. It may also be caused by disconnecting the unit before stopping
communications with the PC. The power off event was fixed in software version version 1.05. If
you have an earlier version of software the following process may be used to reset the