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– Limited Distribution
“Neutral,” typically white, and “Ground,” green, wires can be connected to the bottom of the right
two terminal blocks on the AC connection points as shown in Figure 80
The bottom 48 VDC connections on the rightmost DC terminal block section run to the TD100
SUMA TX and RX enclosures. Two cables, each with two 20 AWG sub-cables,
typically red, (
+) and terminals marked B are “Negative,” typically black, (-) are wired at these
bottom points. Positive on the fused points left and negative on the right, as shown in Figure 80
Strip the sub-cable jackets 10 to 12 mm (.39 to .47 in) for insertion.
Once all wiring is complete, the unit should be tested before attempting to power the sensor and
TD100 processor. Disconnect all pivoting fuse holders, see Figure 76 and confirm field DC
cable ends are taped over, capped, or inserted into the relevant SUM. Testing points for
inserting multimeter probe tips are located next to the orange buttons as seen in Figure 77 and
by using the adjacent spare wire insertion points on the circuit breaker.
Figure 76. Fuse holder disconnected from terminal block