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Sensors PG1  |  Data sheet No. 13170  |  Version 03-2020  | 




Volume flow indicator / monitor / transmitter SENSO-X® VPX

Example of Modbus telegram (hexadecimal notation)

Tx:[time stamp]- 01 03 00 05 00 02 D4 0A
from left to right:
“01” = Modbus address of SENSO-X, here = 1
“03” = function code “Read holding register”
“00” = high byte of start register (1st register to be read out), here = 0
“05” = low byte of start register, here register no. 5 = flow / volume flow, low word
“00 02” = number of registers read, here = 2
“D4 0A” = CRC
Response – flow / volume flow
Rx:[time stamp]- 01 03 04 0C B6 00 01 D9 45
from left to right:
“01” = responding Modbus address, here = 1
“03” = function code
“04” = number of response data bytes, here = 4
“0C” = high byte of 5th register, here = 0x0C00h = 3,072d
“B6” = low byte of 5th register, here  = 0xB6h = 182d -> 182 + 3,072 = 3,254 m³/h
„00“ = high byte of 6th register, here = 0x000000h = 0d
„01“ = low byte of 6th register, here = 0x010000h = 65,536d -> 65,536 + 3,254 = 68,790 m³/h
“D9 45” = CRC

7 (0x07)


unit of measure

unsigned 16

4, 5 or 6

4: ft³/min 

5: l/s 

6: m³/h

8 (0x08)


range max   

(low word)

unsigned 32

0 to 65,535

Set limit value in selected unit  

of measure, see register 7, e.g.  

0 to 99,999 m³/h



range max   

(high word)

0 or 1

10 (0x0A) 40011

ρ (Rho)

unsigned 16

0 to 200

air density in kg/m³ (default 1.15) 

0 to 2.00

11 (0x0B) 40012


unsigned 16

0 to 65.535

correction factor  (default 500,0) 

0 to 6.553,5

12 (0x0C) 40013


signed 16

-300 to 1,050

temperature on circuit board in 

1/10°C from -30 to 105 °C

13 (0x0D) 40014



unsigned 16

2,600 to 12,600

absolute atmospheric pressure  

in housing in  1/10 hPa from  

260 hPa to 1,260 hPa

14 (0x0E) 40015

sensor error

unsigned 16

0 or 1

0 = no sensor error  

1 = sensor error

15 (0x0F) 40016

measured limit

unsigned 16

0 to 100

0 to 100 %

16 (0x10) 40017

state of  

switching output

unsigned 16

0 or 1

0 = inactive  

1 = active

17 (0x11) 40018

LED status

unsigned 16

0 to 3

0 = LED off 

1 = green 

2 = yellow 

3 = red

18 (0x12) 40019

firmware version

unsigned 16 and higher

“1018” means FW version

19 (0x13) 40020


unsigned 16

0 bis 4

0 = PPX1000 

1 = PPX4000 

2 = VPX1000 

3 = VPX4000

20 (0x14) 40021

Modbus Address

unsigned 16

1 to 127

1 to 127

21 (0x15) 40022

Fan manufacturer

Unsigned 16

0 to 3

0 = A (ebm-pabst, Ziehl-Abegg)

1 = B (Fläkt)

2 = C (Nicotra Gebhardt, Rosenberg)

3 = D (unassigned/universal)

22 (0x16) 40023

Number of fans

Unsigned 16

1 to 20

Number of fans in the fan grid
