Advanced car security solutions
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Page 3 of 12 EGPRS Unit User Guide
Product Description
The EGPRS Cellular Monitoring Unit is a self and independent device which
provides a cost effective solution for monitoring and controlling vehicles such
as: trucks, privates and motorbikes. This is accomplished by locating and
tracking them over the cellular wireless network. The EGPRS communicates
over the GSM cellular network (for a visual car's whereabouts over a map).
The EGPRS unit is a GPS GSM device that can also be connected to other
vehicles indicators (alarm, speed, engine etc...).
The EGPRS is composed of the following modules:
Internal GSM/GPRS engine
Internal antenna
Internal backup battery
External GPS module
Controller and I/O circuits
The EGPRS is a GSM / GPRS unit which uses GPRS IP communication (or
SMS) in order to send and receive information regarding the vehicle status and
location. The EGPRS contains a GPS to provide the vehicle’s location data.
The Micro controller and GSM transceiver are the core elements of the EGPRS,
as illustrated in the following block diagram (Figure 2).
The Micro controller
is the core of the EGPRS. It runs the application program
and communicates with the GIS Server and peripheral devices to collect
information. It can respond to or issue commands.
The Micro controller interfaces with the GPS over the RS-232 channel.
The charger is fed from the car battery to charge the internal backup battery.
The internal backup battery has the ability to be used for up to 10 hours under
normal operating conditions when external power is disconnected. The EGPRS
utilizes status triggered charging algorithm in order to not harm the internal
The SIM module holds the relevant IP address used to identify the unit as well
as other subscriber identification parameters registered in the system upon