Onset U26-001 Manual Download Page 4

HOBO Dissolved Oxygen Logger (U26-001) Manual 





Wet the small sponge with fresh water. Squeeze out any 
excess water. 



Place the sponge in the end of the calibration boot. 



Insert the logger in the calibration boot so that there is 
approximately a 1 cm (0.5 inch) overlap between the end of 
the boot and the body of the logger. This will ensure there 
is enough space between the end of the logger and the 
sponge (the logger should not be pressed up tightly against 
the sponge). 



Wait for approximately 15 minutes until the logger reaches 
temperature equilibrium (and less than 30 minutes so the 
logger does not go to sleep). 



Click the “Get DO value from the logger” button to display 
the 100% saturation results. You can click this button as 
often as needed. The results are updated each time you 
click the button. To check for equilibrium, click the “Get DO 
value from the logger” button several times in a row to 
check the current “DO Conc from logger at 100% 
Saturation” value. If the value remains the same or varies 
very little with each button click, then temperature 
equilibrium has likely been reached. 



When you are satisfied with the results displaying in the 
“Step 1: 100% Saturation” tab, click the Next button to 
proceed to “Step 2: 0% Saturation.” 

Step 2: 0% Saturation (optional) 

If the logger will be deployed in water with DO levels greater 
than 4 mg/L, click the “Skip this Step” button. Otherwise, 
continue with the following procedure.  



Make sure the logger either has the protective guard or the 
anti-fouling guard installed (whichever guard you plan to 
use in the deployment) so that the sensor is covered. 



Pour the sodium sulfite into the beaker so that it is about 
two-thirds full. 



Place the sensor end of the logger into the solution so that 
the entire protective guard or anti-fouling guard and at 
least 2.5 cm (1 inch) of the logger body are submerged in 
the beaker. Allow it to rest on the bottom of the beaker.  



Wait for approximately 15 minutes until the logger reaches 
temperature equilibrium (and less than 30 minutes so the 
logger does not go to sleep). 



Click the “Get DO value from the logger” button to display 
the 0% saturation results. As with the 100% calibration, you 
can click this button as often as needed. The results are 
automatically updated each time you click the button. If the 
value remains the same or varies very little with each 
button click, then temperature equilibrium has likely been 



When you are satisfied with the results displaying in the 
“Step 2: 0% Saturation” tab, click the Next button to 
proceed to “Step 3: Finish.” 

Step 3: Finish 

The results from the first two steps are displayed as well as the 
overall calibration results and the new gain and offset 
adjustment values. If you are satisfied with the results, click the 
“Send Calibration to Logger” button. The logger will then be 
calibrated based on the new values. These values will not take 

effect until the logger is launched. If you do not want to save 
these values, click Close to cancel the calibration and revert 
back to the last saved logger values. Or, click “Reset to Factory 
Defaults” to return to the original values. If you performed Step 
2, then remove the logger from the solution and thoroughly 
rinse it with fresh water to remove any excess sodium sulfite. 


 for additional details on cleaning the logger. 

Launching the Logger 

After calibrating the logger, it needs to be launched to 
configure it before taking it to the field for deployment. Once 
launched, the logger will record two types of data: samples and 
events. Samples are the sensor measurements recorded at 
each logging interval. Events are independent occurrences 
triggered by a logger activity, such as Bad Battery or Host 
Connected. Events help you determine what was happening 
while the logger was logging. To launch the logger: 



With the logger connected to the computer, open 
HOBOware. From the Device menu, select Launch. 



Select both the DO and Temperature channels to log. 



HOBOware provides the option of recording the current 
battery voltage at each logging interval, which is disabled by 
default. Recording battery life at each logging interval takes 
up memory and therefore reduces logging duration. It is 
recommended that you only record battery voltage for 
diagnostic purposes. Even with the channel disabled, a bad 
battery event will still be recorded. 



Select a logging interval. 



Choose when to start logging and click the Start button. 



Remove the logger from the coupler and screw the 
communications cap back on the logger. 


: If this is the first launch with a new sensor cap, 

the sensor cap will expire six months (plus a one-month grace 
period) from the time of the first sensor reading. Two caps per 
year are required for year-round deployment. 

Deploying the Logger 

The logger is designed to be easy to deploy in many 
environments. Follow these guidelines when deploying it: 


Remove the calibration boot before deploying the logger. 


Make sure the logger is located where it will receive an 
unrestricted flow of the water being monitored to the 


Make sure the logger is fully submerged and not in direct 
sunlight to minimize temperature changes that are 
unrelated to water temperature. 


When deploying the logger in rivers, streams, and ponds, 
insert the logger in a PVC or ABS pipe for protection from 
debris (if possible). The pipe should have enough holes to 
ensure good circulation of water to the sensor.  


If possible, position the logger so the sensor face is 
oriented vertically. After deploying in the water, move 
the logger around slightly to eliminate any bubbles that 
may have formed. 
