2.4 - Motherboard Connectors
The motherboard is the same for K410 and K430.
M.2 B-Key
An M.2 B-Key slot on the Karbon 400 motherboard provides support for B-Key form-factor expansion
cards. Supported cards include 3042, 2242, 2260, 2280 form-factors. The B-Key connector supports
PCIe Gen 3 x2, USB 3.2 5Gbps, USB 2.0, SATA Gen I (1.5Gbps), SATA Gen II (3.0Gbps), and SATA Gen
III (6.0Gbps) devices.
The 3FF Micro SIM card slot is multiplexed to both the M.2 B-Key and mPCIe expansion slot. The
routing can be selected in the BIOS and is set to the mPCIe slot by default. Please refer to the BIOS
user manual (Appendix B) for more information.
A full pinout table for this expansion slot is provided in Appendix D.
M.2 E-Key
An M.2 E-Key slot on the Karbon 400 motherboard provides support for E-Key form-factor expansion
cards. Only 2230 form-factor cards are supported. The E-Key connector supports PCIe Gen 3 x1 and
USB 2.0 devices. A full pinout table for this expansion slot is provided in Appendix D.
A mPCIe slot is present on the Karbon 400 motherboard to allow support for mini-PCIe form-factor
expansion cards. Full length cards and half-length cards (with an adapter) are supported. The mPCIe