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Test points and references: 

make sure static free work environment is observed at all times when working with Laser Pickup.


With the unit totally turned OFF, confirm the impedance of the Focus Coil and the tracking coil at CN501. Between 
pin 10 and 13, 8.2ohm for Focus coil and across pin 11 and 12, 8.3ohm for the Tracking Coil. 
Check and verify procedure as given on page 43,44 of service manual. For disk to be recognized while carousel is 
rotating but fail to spin and focus is a result of missing LD ON. This happens when one of the connectors at any of 
the three points (Fig1 A, B and or Fig2 C) is lacking good contact to the ribbon. 

***The laser pick needs no adjustment!!! *** 

The troubleshooting guide given between pages of 43 and 50 is extremely helpful to determine the condition of the 


 Disregarded Step 3 of page 45 and make correction as follows. 

The reference should be: 

lop =  Voltage between 

E522 and E523 3.3ohm


The voltage drop across R505 (3.3ohm) resistor is higher than 218~238mvDC in normal operating condition and the 
LD is not on, connection (Fig1 A, B and or Fig2 C) may be loose or poor. This indicates the LD is not present as 
load to the voltage rail R505. 
The Individual optical output level may be monitored at the pickup connector point using an oscilloscope with no 
more than 10pf input capacitance. 
 For location refer to manual Page 50. 




To help reduce the break up of the video signal, remount 



. The installation of this core should be as illustrated on Fig14.  


** Since the root cause for the failure of DV-C600 and DV-C601 is 
mainly noisy pick-up signal do to  poor connector terminals, it is very 
important all of the necessary steps mentioned are exhausted before 
attempting to replace the PICKUP. 


If the shorting PCB seen in Fig 3 is not in place, you 
will need to keep the DSP still connected to CN501 
connector until pick-up shorting is done as seen on 
figure 10. Keep DSP attached to the frame with an 
electrical tape.  


