OPERATION (continued)
Replace priming plug, using Teflon tape on thread; tighten plug.
NOTICE: If a priming tee and plug have been provided for a long
horizontal run, be sure to fill suction pipe through this tee and replace
plug. (Don’t forget to Teflon tape the plug.)
Start pump: water should be produced in 10 minutes or less, the time
depending on depth to water (suction lift not more than 6 metres) and
length of horizontal run.
If no water is produced within 10 minutes, stop pump, release all pressure,
remove priming plug, refill and try again.
Hazardous pressure and risk of explosion and scalding. If pump is
run continuously at no flow (that is, with discharge shut off or with-
out priming), water may boil in pump and piping system. Under steam
pressure, pipes may rupture, blow off fittings or blow out of pump
ports and scald anyone near.
To prevent explosion, do the following:
Ensure discharge (valve, hose nozzle, etc.) is open whenever pump is
If pump fails to produce water when attempting to prime, release all
pressure, drain pump and refill with cold water after every two
When priming, monitor pump and piping temperature. If pump or piping
begin to feel warm to the touch, shut off pump and allow system to
cool. Release all pressure in system and refill pump and piping with cold
Wednesday, 13 March 2013 9:13:39 AM