Prepare and apply control solution
Shake the control solution vial before each test. Remove the cap and squeeze the vial to discard the first
drop. Then wipe the tip with a clean tissue or cloth. Hold the vial upside down and gently squeeze a
hanging drop.
Touch and hold the hanging drop of control solution where the narrow channel
meets the
of the test strip. Make sure the confirmation window
fills completely. Control solution should not be applied to the flat face of the
test strip.
Read your result
When the confirmation window is full, the meter will count down from 5 to 1.
Your control solution result will then appear on the display, along with the date, time, unit of
measurement, and the words CONTROL SOLUTION. The control solution results can be viewed
in the list of past results, but are not counted in your result averages.
Check if the result is in range
Compare the result displayed on the meter to the control solution range printed
on the test strip vial
. Each vial of test strips may have
a different control solution range. If the results you get are not within this range, the meter and test strips may not be working properly.
Repeat the control solution test.
Out-of-range results may be due to:
• not following the instructions detailed in steps 1–7,
• expired or contaminated control solution,
• expired or damaged test strip,
• use of a test strip or control solution past its discard date, or
• a problem with the meter.
The control solution range printed on the test strip vial is for OneTouch® Ultra® Control Solution only. It is not a
recommended range for your blood glucose level.
If you continue to get control solution test results that fall outside the range printed on the test strip vial,
Do Not
use the meter, the test strips, or the control solution. Contact LifeScan Customer Care on Freephone 0800 121 200 (UK)
or 1800 535 676 (Ireland).
5.5–7.4 mmol/L
Apply Drop Here