6) How to use it
The EHAMP08 can be use with any headphones with high(600Ω) or low(15Ω)
impedances (however, it is unable to drive electrostatic headphones!).
It can be controlled with a IR remote control.
For more convenience, and to avoid one more remote control on your Hi-Fi system, the
EHAMP08 can be programmed to recognize the three needed keys (VOL+,VOL-,MUTE) of an
existing remote control. To work with the EHAMP08, the remote control must be RC5 compatible.
How to program remote keys:
For recording control keys of your IR remote in the EHAMP08 follow these steps :
Switch off the EHAMP08.
Push and Hold the rotary encoder and switch on the EHAMP08.
Release the rotary encoder ;
Now it start in waiting keys mode.
Put your remote control at ~10cm from the IR receiver of the EHAMP08,
Press on your remote the key you want use for « VOL+ » (increase volume)
When IR frame is recorded the yellow led light on.
Press on your remote the key you want use for « VOL - » (decrease volume)
When IR frame is recorded the yellow led is faded.
Press on your remote the key you want use for «MUTE » (decrease volume by -20dB)
When IR frame is recorded the yellow led light on again.
The three keys are now recorded.
Switch off the EHAMP08.
At the next start-up , keys VOL+/VOL- and MUTE of your remote control must be
If you IR remote control is not recognize, it is likely that it doesn't comply with RC5
protocol. In that case, try other remote control.
Be careful :
If you have remote programming issue, think to verify it's battery and don't put the
remote so close to the EHAMP08. For proper recording, leave about 10~20cm between
EHAMP08 and the remote control.
EHAMP08 Manual fr v1.1
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