1) Overview
The EHAMP08 is a high performances amplifier for high-end headphones.
It use only high grade parts know for their specs and audio transparency.
You will rediscover yours audio files !
The output circuit of the EHAMP08 (TPA6120 from TI) allow to get amazing sounding with
any headphone impedance. The low noise linear power supply use a oversized toroidal
transformer. Each stages are powered by independents voltage regulators and use high
performances filtering capacitors (Nichicon, Wima).
This result in a high dynamic range and the audio clarity message become obvious!
For more convenience, the EHAMP08 include a very fine digital volume control (254
steps of 0.5dB). It can be change directly on front panel (rotary encoder) or using en IR remote
control (must be RC5 compliant, not included).
A mute function (-20dB) allow to momentary cute the volume.
This can also be done using IR remote control.
The EHAMP08 have a line output that the signal level follow the headphone volume
level, so it is possible to use it as volume controlled pre-amplifier (using power amp and analog
EHAMP08 Manual fr v1.1
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