First Flight Checklist
Check craft - props tight. Screws tight. Wiring good. Nothing loose or
obstructing props.
Always power on your radio transmitter first and ensure switches are in
default positions (all forward and away from you).
Throttle at 0% (All the way down). Transmitter will warn if any switches
are not in correct position.
Securely fasten battery. Ensure drone is on stable and level surface.
Connect battery leads.
Both flight controller (and gimbal if present) need to be still while
they initialise gyros and sensors. ~10 seconds
Wait for GPS lock before arming drone - Solid BLUE LED. Ideally wait 5
minutes after power up for GPS lock to settle.
To arm motors keep THROTTLE at 0% and move RAW 100% RIGHT for 5 seconds.
With AC3.1 when ARMED the motors will slowly spin!
Gently move throttle stick up until the drone takes off, get it to
between 1-2m high and away from ground effects. Try keep a steady hover.
Do not fly higher than 5-10 metres on your first flight.
Take it easy. Get a feel for how it flies and reacts to pilot input.
Give the drone a few minutes of gentle flight in stabilize mode before
testing ALT_HOLD or LOITER flight modes.
When ready to land gently drop throttle stick down until drone touches
Disarm by keeping THROTTLE at 0% and moving YAW to LEFT 100%
onDrone Spider Quad Owners Manual rev 0514.2