Figure 27. Battery Status
Maintenance − Wi-Fi Calibration
There is a provision of improving Wi-Fi performance and
connectivity. Re-calibration might be needed if the
MatrixCam VDK repeatedly fails to connect to AP over
Wi-Fi or there seems to be performance issues in streaming
over Wi-Fi. This happens because of change of RF
environment (temperature/channel congestion, etc.) and
there is mismatch with calibration data of the Wi-Fi module.
To re-calibrate livecal data of the module, one needs to press
the “Initiate Calibration“ button and power cycle the device
(Figure 28).
Figure 28. Wi-Fi Calibration
Cloud Integration
MatrixCam VDK is integrated with multiple cloud
services Out-of-the-Box. Please refer to the MatrixCam
Video Development Kit Cloud Integration Guide
MatrixCam VDK comes with a rich set of APIs to create
custom apps on Android, iOS and HTML5. This is described
in the MatrixCam Video Development Kit Software
Developer’s Guide (