Chapter 1 HGM-112 Blood Glucose System
1.1 Introduction
The HGM-112 system measures the small electrical current and displays
the blood glucose results. The current is produced from the blood
glucose mixing well with chemicals on the test strip.
User needs to apply 1μL of fresh capillary whole blood for one test, and
the test result will be displayed in 5 seconds.Besides that, HGM-112 also
has unique strip technology with auto coding system. Users don’t need
to code the glucose meter.
1.2 Intended Use
Only the HGM-STP1A blood glucose test strips are used with HGM-112
meter. They are designed for users to measure the glucose
concentration in fresh capillary whole blood obtained from fingertips and
palm. HGM-112 system is intended to be used by people with diabetes
at home.
Warning: Do not change the therapy according to HGM-112 meter test
result without consulting healthcare professional. If you have
any question about the test results, please discuss with your
healthcare professionals.
Warning: Only for in-vitro diagnostic test.
Warning: Please read system instruction manual and strip manual
Warning: HGM-112 system should not be used for screening, diagnosis
of diabetes or testing neonates.