This catalog is a guide to help customers select the proper safety product. Observe the following items when choosing products, select the right
product for your device or equipment, and develop a safety-related system to fully utilize the product's functions.
Setting up a risk assessment system
The items listed in this catalog must be used properly in terms of product location as well as product performance and functionality. Part of the
process of selecting and using these products should include the introduction and development of a risk assessment system early in the design
development stage to help identify potential dangers in your equipment that will optimize safety product selection. A badly designed risk
assessment system often results in poor choices when it comes to safety products.
Related international standard: ISO 14121 "Principles of risk assessment."
Safety policy
When developing a safety system for the devices and equipment that use safety products, make every effort to understand and conform to the
entire series of international and industrial standards available, such as the examples given below.
Related international standards: ISO/DIS 12100 "Basic concepts, general principles for design"
IEC 61508 "Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems."
Role of safety products
Safety products have functions and mechanisms that ensure safety as defined by standards. These functions and mechanisms are designed to
attain their full potential within safety-related systems. Make sure you fully understand all functions and mechanisms, and use that understanding
to develop systems that will ensure optimal usage.
Related international standard: ISO 14119 "Interlocking devices associated with guards- Principles for design and selection."
Installing safety products
Make sure that properly educated and trained engineers are selected to develop your safety-related system and to install safety products in
devices and equipment.
Related international standards: ISO/DIS 12100 "Basic Concepts, general principles for design."
IEC 61508 "Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems."
Observing laws and regulations
Safety products should conform to pertinent laws, regulations and standards, but make sure that they are used in accordance with the laws,
regulations and standards of the country where the devices and equipment incorporating these products are distributed.
Related international standard: IEC 60204 "Electrical equipment of machines."
Observing usage precautions
Carefully read the specifications and precautions listed in this catalog for your product as well as all items in the Operating Manual packed with
the product to learn usage procedures that will optimize your choice. Any deviation from precautions will lead to unexpected device or equipment
failure not anticipated by safety-related systems or fire originating from equipment failure.
Transferring devices and equipment
When transferring devices and equipment, be sure to keep one copy of the Operating Manual and pack another copy with the device or
equipment so the person receiving it will have no problem operating it.
Related international standards: ISO/DIS 12100 "Basic concepts, general principles for design"
IEC 61508 "Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems."
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