Section 6: Using an NS Series HMI with a CP1W-ETN01-US
To use an NS series HMI with a CP1W-ETN01-US, it is necessary to limit the number of
functional objects on each screen to effectively limit the size of the FINS Ethernet
packet that will be sent to read the data from the PLC. No more than 20 functional
objects (bit lamps, pushbuttons, numeric / string displays, etc) should be used on any
Smart Active Parts can be used with the CP1W-ETN01-US module, but may result in
decreased performance. If Smart Active Parts are required in a application, a CP1H +
CJ1W-ETN21 should be used.
When adding the CP1H or CP1L PLC as a Host in CX Designer, specify the Host Type
as Sysmac-CS1/CJ1, the Network Address as 1, and the Node Address as the last
octet of the IP address of the CP1W-ETN01-US.
would be the Node Address if the
IP address were 192.168.250.
. If you have changed the IP Address of the adapter
please use the last octet of the new address.
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