1. Locate the four wood screws that are used to install the cowling to the fuselage. Glue the black engine
baffle in the front of the cowling using Zap-Goo or something similar to it. Once dry, open up the center
of the baffle to fit the engine you are using. The holes that are in the cowling sides are used to mount the
cowling. Align the color scheme on the cowling with the fuselage and get the spinner clearance desired,
about ¼ inch should be adequate. Mark the holes on the fuselage and drill holes. I put a piece of balsa
wood inside the fuselage to give some strength to the mounting holes and glued a piece of plastic tube in
the hole for the wood mounting screws thread into.
2. Install the propeller and supplied spinner. Use a sharp Exacto knife to cut out the spinner to fit the prop
that you are using. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and make sure your props are well balanced,
properly drilled, and display no cracks or chips.
1. Locate the horizontal stabilizer and trial fit into the fuselage opening. Temporarily install the wings
and center the stab on the fuselage. Make sure the stab is level with the wings. Now make sure the stab is
even for and aft with respect to the wings by measuring from the wing trailing edge at the tip to the
leading edge of the stab at the tip. Make sure both sides are the same. You may have to trim the fuselage
some to get a straight fit of the stab. Take out the stab from fuselage and remove the covering in the
middle of the stab on both top and bottom. Be careful not to remove too much covering. Glue the stab in
place using 30 minute epoxy. The slow drying time will give you the time to make the alignment
measurements again and get the stab on straight.
2. Locate the elevator halves, elevator connecter piece, CF horns and CA hinges. Now you have to make
a decision on how many elevator servos to use. I use 2 elevator servos positioned in the front holes on
each side of the fuselage. The weight of the extra servo is not a problem with the balance of the plane. If
you are going to use 1 elevator servo proceed as follows. Starting with the elevator half that will be on the
elevator servo side, locate the control horn opening and remove covering and glue in carbon fiber servo
horn with CA. Now trial fit the CA hinges into the slots in the elevator half and stab there are 3 on each
elevator half. Center the CA hinges and glue into the elevator half. Remove some of the covering on the
elevator connector piece to get a good glue joint and glue in place. Trial fit the CA hinges into the stab
and position the elevator half, don’t glue hinges into stab just yet. Glue CA hinges into remaining elevator
half. Trial fit the CA hinges into the stab and align the elevators to the stab. Once satisfied with the fit,
glue hinges into the stab with thin CA. Also, glue the other elevator half into the connector piece. This
completes the installation of the stab and elevators. If you are going to use 2 elevator servos, put one on
each side of the fuselage in the forward holes. To get servo clearance inside the fuselage, use one of the
servo mounting plates on one side of the fuselage. The plates are not needed for the other 2 servos. Install
the other elevator horn. Don’t use the attachment piece to join the elevators.
3. Use your radio to set the servo center position and install the control horn onto the servo. Assemble
the control rod and ball links and adjust the control linkage for proper geometry. When satisfied, screw
the ball link to the servo horn in the elevator and servo arm on servo. The servo arm should be as close to
perpendicular to the control rod as possible while the elevator is at neutral. Double check all screws, bolts
and nuts to assure proper installation and operation without binding.