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Read these instructions carefully.  No warranty will
be allowed for wrong installation or use.


- A. Reduction socket Ø34/30............................  2
- D. Strap 2m .......................................................  1
- E. Bike holder ....................................................  1
- F. Strap ................................................................ 1

Plastic bag with fixation material:

- a. U-bolt M6 x 135/78/135 ............................. 4
- b. Omega shaped plates  ........................2L + 2R
- c. Platescrew DIN 7981 - 4.8 x 16.................... 2
- d. Screw DIN 7985 - M6x40 ............................. 2
- e. Hexagon bolt DIN 931 - M6x55.................... 2
- f. Washer DIN 125 - M6 .................................... 8
- g. Locknut DIN 985 - M6 ................................. 12
- h. Nylon bush for hinges................................... 4
- u. Endpiece rail................................................... 2
- v. Platescrew DIN7982 - 3,9 x 19 .................... 2
- w. Screw cap M6................................................ 2
- x. Pipe pin........................................................... 2

Plastic bag with rail accessories ............................ 2

- s. Gliding piece for ladder strap ....................... 2
- t. Ladder strap .................................................... 2
- u. Endpiece rail................................................... 2
- v. Platescrew DIN7982 - 3,9 x 19 .................... 2
- w. Screw cap M6................................................ 2

- Install the frame according to fig. 2 to 4. Make sure

the bikes cannot touch the car. Leave 85 cm space
between the first rail and the car.

- Secure the frame against gliding by inserting the 2

screws (c) into the aluminum tube. Predrill Ø4mm

- Make the assembly of the bike carrier according to

fig 5 to 8.

- Put at each side a gliding piece with ladder strap on

the rail. Screw the endpieces onto the rail. For
smaller bikes, first screw off the rail in order to be
able to place the straps closer from each other.

- Fix the bike holder to the cross tube (fig. 10)

- Put the bikes in opposite directions on the rack.
- Fix the ifirdt bike with a strap.
- Fix the second bike with the bike holder. The clamps

can be rotated for 360°. Tighten the strap and
secure it with the knob (fig. 11).

- Fix the wheels of the bikes with straps.
- Fix the outer bike to the frame by means of the

included 2m strap.

- The frame can be pushed down in order to get

access to the trunk (fig. 13). This can be done
without taking off the bikes first.

- Make sure the clamps of the rack are well fastened

to the base (fig. 8).

- Check, after a few kilometers, if the frame is still

well fixed to the pole, if the rack is well fixed to the
frame and whether the bikes are still in place. Check
again after a longer period.

-Adapt driving style to the loading, especially in

bends and on uneven surfaces.

- Bike holder supplied for securing the first bike.
- Option to fit a third rail kit consisting of two short

bike rails and one bike holder. NB - Cannot be
mounted to caravans with short A-frames.

M6 x

