FM De-emphasized L/R is the least-recommended output option, especially for ana-
log. Although is it theoretically possible to have excellent peak modulation control even
with external pre-emphasis, in practice stereo generators vary widely in implementing
pre-emphasis. Certain stereo generators use phase-linear pre-emphasis in DSP, which
is incorrect and causes roughly 20% overshoot (2dB loudness loss) when used with any
audio processor. We recommend connecting the output of your stereo generator to one
of Omnia.9’s composite inputs, watching the Left De-mod waveform on the oscillo-
scope, and comparing it to L/R Output - Left Pre-emph. If you see high frequency peak
overshoots, the stereo generator may be poorly designed, and must either be replaced
or have its pre-emphasis disabled, with Omnia.9’s output set to FM Pre-emphasized.
Input Level Adjustment
From the Home menu, go to System, then I/O Options, then Source Adjustment. Use the Input Gain sliders
to set the input levels. When driving the input with typical program material at normal operating levels,
adjust the Input Gain while watching the Input meters in the Processing display window so that average
levels keep the meters in the green. If the meters flash red, the input is being overdriven and levels to the
Omnia.9 must be reduced. If necessary, it is also possible to invert the polarity of either or both channels
with the Invert control. The Mode control allows several different channel configuration options.
Preset Selection
Return to the Home Menu, select FM, select Processing, then select Load Preset to choose one of the
factory presets. “Rustonium” is the default preset and provides a well-balanced sound with competitive
loudness, suitable for nearly any format. However, we suggest you audition all of the factory presets to get
a feel for each of them.
Omnia.9 contains a relay-bypass feature that allows unprocessed audio to pass di-
rectly through the unit to prevent complete loss of audio (dead air) any time the soft-
ware is not active. This includes when the unit loses power, is in the start-up process,
or must re-initialize its software after applying certain user-initiated configuration
Normally this is not an issue. However, in certain situations - for example, if you have
a CD player connected to the analog inputs and an amplifier or speakers connected to
the analog outputs - this means the input and output will be directly connected with
no attenuation whatsoever, resulting in fried speakers (or eardrums). It also means that
if you are using your unit as an A-D converter or as a way to distribute different types
of IO, bypass may break the connection.
When engaged, the bypass relays hard wire the following inputs to outputs:
Analog In > Analog Out
Main Digital In > Main FM Out 1
Aux Digital In > Aux Out
MPX In 1 > MPX Out 1
MPX In 2 > MPX Out 2
Obviously, there is no relay bypass for Livewire AoIP inputs and outputs.