How to Use the Mat
Most Effectively
Avoid excessive physical impact to the Mat, do not stretch or bend the Mat
as this can damage the 8 copper PEMF coils. The manufacturer does not take
responsibility for devices damaged by improper use. The Mat should be placed
on a firm surface such as the floor, massage table or a very firm mattress,
or placed on top of the person while in use. Bent coils can ruin the device.
When using the Mat, it is recommended to use a cover like a sheet or towel
in order to protect it from damage. Do not sleep on the Mat. The Mat may
become creased from being used but this doesn’t affect its operability. After
use, disconnect the adapter from the controller unit by the plug. It is
recommended to remove jewelry and watches as they can absorb some of the
beneficial PEMFs.
1. For general wellness, it is recommended that you use your Mat 2x/day for a
minimum of 8-12 minutes. This helps to recharge your cells to their optimal
2. You are advised not to smoke or drink caffeinated beverages immediately
before or after using the Mat because caffeine and nicotine narrow the
blood vessels. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol immediately
before or after using the Mat because that can increase dehydration.
3. It is recommended to drink enough pure water (at least 8-10 8-ounce cups
or 2 liters/day) And at least 1 8-ounce cup of pure water before your PEMF
Therapy sessions and immediately afterward to help facilitate the natural
release of toxins.
4. Eat a healthy diet free of chemicals and pesticides, refined foods and sugar
and consume a lot of green vegetables.
• Pain Reduction and accelerated healing
• Promotes cellular health to improve wellness
• Enhances the body’s self-healing abilities
and quality of life
• Boosts energy and athletic performance
• Improves circulation, oxygenation and
• Improves detoxification and elimination
• Improves sleep, stress reduction and
cognitive function
• Modulates inflammatory response,
reduces oxidative stress, promotes cellular
• Non-toxic
Benefits of Regular Use
of Your PEMF Mat
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