Thank you for choosing OlyBond500
Adhesive Fastener, and for investing in the PaceCart 2 for fast,
reliable application. PaceCart 2 is a portable, easy-to-use system for attaching FM approved insulation in
virtually any flat or low-slope roofing application.
Features & Benefits:
• Lowest installed cost method of attaching insulation
• Fastest method available (attach up to
60 squares of insulation per hour
• Lightweight, portable, clean and easy to use
• No noxious odors or noise during installation
• Two component reaction occurs in the disposable mix tips so the gun and hoses remain clean
and free-flowing for maximum efficiency
OlyBond500 is so versatile it can be used to adhere almost any type of insulation to a wide variety of sub-
strates. (See page 3 for details.) Regardless of roof size, installation is easy thanks to the patent-pending
PaceCart 2 dispensing system. Highly portable, the PaceCart 2 is easy to use and does not require heated
hoses or high-pressure spray equipment. Although it offers a safe, tested method of application, be sure
that every member of your crew has a thorough understanding of the system before use. Read, under-
stand and follow all instructions. To schedule rooftop training, call
Use only approved OlyBond500 adhesives with this machine.
Failure to do so may cause extensive
damage and will void all warranties.
Congratulations on your new purchase.
We look forward to your feedback. Please send us your
comments and suggestions at any time.
PaceCart 2 Product Development Team
Inc. | [email protected] | 800.633.3800 | www.olyfast.com
© Copyright 2011 OMG, Inc. All rights reserved.
and PaceCart 2
are trademarks of OMG, Inc., a leading provider of innovative fastening
solutions and products for the construction industry.
Contact OMG or your roofing membrane manufacturer for the most current list of approvals.
Subject to the conditions of
approvals as insulation adhesive
for use in Class 1 roof construction
as described in the current edition
of the FMRC Approval Guide.
For roofing systems as to external
fire exposure see UL directory of
products certified for Canada and
UL roofing materials and systems
2 Safety Instructions
2 PaceCart 2 System
3 System Components
3 Material Compatibility Specifications
Approved Substrates
Approved Insulation Types
OMG Consultation Services
4 Operating Instructions
Step 1: Tighten Fittings
Step 2: Inject Grease into the Gun Manifold
Step 3: Install OlyBond500 Boxes
Step 4: Check Power
Step 5: Purge the Gun
Step 6: Grease and Attach Mix Tip
Step 7: Apply Adhesive to Surface
Step 8: Shut-Down Procedures
5 Troubleshooting
5 Important Information
5 Warranty
6 Schematic & Parts List
PaceCart 2 Owner’s Manual
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