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Ref.No. 032013 


First you have to connect the application set to the power supply and the PC. Then start “TIM03ArraySW.exe”.
The next step is to initialize the interface. Depending on your system you have to choose the pursuant COM Port. You have to 

regard the following steps: 
1.) Connect the USB jack. If you want to connect the device directly to the computer, you have to use USB cable.  
2.) Power up the device by connecting the power jack.
3.) Select “ COM* ” in the Interface-Combo-Box. 
4.) Click “ Start ” in the Interface-Button. If TIM 03 is present, the GUI will show data in the dialogue.



This is a short overview of all functions of the program:   



As you can see in the screenshot some elements are information-giving others are for control. First we will discuss the   

information giving elements: 



Pixel Screen 

The Pixel Screen shows a calculated RGB-Value for the temperature or voltage each 

thermopile sees. 


Distribution of all Pixels 

This field shows a histogram. It represents the distribution of voltages or temperatures.

Pixel Voltage/Temperature  This field shows the voltage or temperature of all thermopiles.  
False Color Scale 

The False Color Scale shows the range of the chosen color scheme and the minimum and  

maximum Value in the Pixel Screen. 

Single Pixel Information  Single Pixel Information shows several information of a pixel selected at the Pixel Screen by 

mouse or keyboard (use arrows). 

Note: If a setting in any dialogue-box is changed, 

it must be confirmed with ENTER. 

The control elements are: 



Set Interface : COM 

Determine your COM port. 

Protocol specifications :Transfer rate 460800 baud, 8 bata bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, NONE   


Starts and stops capturing of data. 


Thermopile sensor array is 32*31 


Show Power supply voltage (3.3VDC 


2%, 300mA) 


Show Frames per second. 


The clock for the ASIC, delivered by the microcontroller, can be decreased. So the ASIC works 

slower. In temperature mode a decrease of the MCLK results in incorrect temperatures. 

Set Framestack 

Framestack allows integrating over multiple pictures for better quality because of noise reduction 

by accepting a lower frame rate. The Framestack can get a size between 1 and 300. 


Interpolation simulates a higher resolution, from 32x31 to 128x127 pixels for example.

Set Color Scheme 

There are eight different color schemes available. 

Save Values/Pixel to Excel  Temperatures and Pixel: 

saves Temperature- values table to Excel(TIM_TempV_*****.xls)   

saves Pixels to Excel(TIM_Temp_*****.bmp)     

shows Calibration-constants in GUI and saves data to Excel (TIM_CalC_*****.xls) 

Save Data Stream to File 


The data stream can be saved in a binary or a text file. For analysis the text files are easier  

to handle.  

First click “Save to…” and enter name, file type and destination where you want it to save. If you  

are using a text file, you can enter the starting-pixel and the amount of pixels stored after that. For

example, entering 5 and 3 means the pixels 5, 6, 7 will be stored. This option does not exist for  

binary files. To begin data capturing click “Rec” in the Save to File-Box. The Button is highlighted 

red, as long as data capturing proceeds. You can stop recording by pressing “Stop” in the Save to 

File-Box. The red highlighting of the Rec-Button disappears.
If you want to play the stored stream with your program, press “Play”. A new window appears. 

Press “Open stream…” and open the desired file. Now enter the Frame rate, press enter and 

confirm with play. 

It is also possible to reduce the size of the file by setting the figure in the “Every Frame”-field to a 

different amount. When “Every Frame” is set to 6, for example, then only each sixth frame is 

recorded. This value is also used, when a recorded data stream is played.  

Set Command 

“K”: send continous binary temperature datastream(Uc-adc)[K*10]  

“k” : read single temperature frame. 
“x” : stops stream without prompt. 


Set temperatures in Kelvin/degree Celsius. 
Set mirror frame: X-Axis/Y-Axis/Both. 



Software Operating Instructions: OSXL-TIM3

Software Operating Instructions: OSXL-TIM3
