Your Excalibur AL-1810-EDP system offers the ultimate in comfort and
convenience- remote engine starting. This feature allows the vehicle’s interior to
be warmed in the winter or cooled in the summer before you enter the vehicle.
Simply leave the climate controls set to the desired settings when leaving the vehicle
prior to using the remote starting feature.
The following pages explain the remote engine starting operations. If the
vehicle has a manual transmission, a special procedure is required when exiting the
vehicle to enable the ability to remote start. Otherwise, the actual activation of
remote start is the same for automatic or manual transmission vehicles.
Remote Engine Starting
Press and release together the controller or transmitter “arm/lock” and “disarm/
unlock” buttons.
How to Activate Remote Starting
The system’s reaction:
The system will respond first by rapidly flashing the
Status Light in green color, then by turning on the ignition and flashing the parking
lights once. Then the starter will engage until the engine runs; 10 seconds later the
parking lights will illuminate steady during the period that the engine is running
from being remotely started. (having them flash instead is an option).
The engine will run for 10 minutes (the factory-set period). A 20 minute setting may
be programmed, if desired, by referring to the “Programming Features” section.
Once the engine has been remotely started, to remotely stop it again press and
release together the transmitter’s “arm/lock” and “disarm/unlock” buttons. The
system will stop the engine, and extinguish the parking lights.
If the controller was used:
If the controller is used to activate remote engine
starting, to confirm the operation it will first play a musical melody, and display
the “start” icon, which are puffs of smoke and appear behind the vehicle (5 differ-
ent musical melodies are programmable). Once the engine has started, when the
vehicle’s parking lights come back on the “start” icon’s puffs of smoke will change
to appearing sequentially.
When the engine stops running, whether by safety condition or controller com-
mand, a different musical melody is played, and the “start” icon disappears. If a
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When leaving the vehicle before remote starting, remember to set the climate
controls to the desired heating or air conditioning settings.
If desired, the system’s alarm function may be armed or disarmed as needed
during remote start operations (the system must be disarmed before entering
the vehicle).
The remote engine starting feature should not be used when
the vehicle is parked in an enclosed structure or garage!
Feature #3 Automatic Rearming
Factory Default Setting
“arm/lock” button to program
On without doors locking
“disarm/unlock” button to program
On with doors locking
” button to program
“Automatic Rearming”, described on page 11, prevents the system from becoming
accidentally disarmed by having it arm itself after being disarmed, if a door is not
then opened or the ignition turned on. Options are to have Automatic Rearming
operate with or without also locking the doors when the system does rearm.
Feature #4 Starter Interrupt Functions
Factory Default Setting
Alarm Only
“arm/lock” button to program
“disarm/unlock” button to program
” button to program
Alarm & Anti-Grind
” button to program
This feature controls the Starter Interrupt circuit, in several ways. In its default
setting, “Alarm Only”, the Starter Interrupt is operable whenever the alarm is armed.
The Starter Interrupt can also be used to prevent the accidental grinding of the
starter, by trying to start the vehicle when it is already running by remote starting
(as when the ignition key is turned to “run” to drive the vehicle).
The “Automatic” option will cause the Starter Interrupt output to automati-
cally engage 90 seconds after the ignition switch is turned "off", and also 90 sec-
onds after disarming the system. This automatic engagement will occur even if the
security system is in a disarmed state, but not if it is in Valet Mode. Once the
Starter Interrupt output is activated, the system must be armed, then disarmed with
the controller or transmitter, or placed into the Valet Mode by pressing and hold-
ing the Valet Switch for 2 seconds to disengage it. There are no Status Light
indications with this automatic form of Starter Interrupt.
Programming this feature off completely eliminates the Starter Interrupt out-
put, while leaving all other system operations fully functional.
Feature #5 Ignition Activated Override
Factory Default Setting
Off (
“disarm/unlock” button to program
On (
“arm/lock” button to program
This feature allows an activated system to be overridden and disarmed by simply
turning th
e i
gnition switch on within 10 seconds of the system’s activation. After
10 seconds, the Emergency Override must be performed or the controller or trans-
mitter “disarm/unlock” button can be used to disarm the system.
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