Set the input simulation value
Enable password protection?
Set new password
Select language
Select direct output mode
Select inverted output mode
Select V-function output mode
Display underrange
Display overrange
Input underrange
Input overrange
Analog output supply error
Analog output error - check output connections and reset power
Configuration error - default configuration is loaded
RAM memory error
Invalid configuration
A/D converter error
No communication
Input range limit error - Input outside configurable input range limit
Invalid configuration type or version
External flash error
Internal flash error
Set input range low
Set input range high
Enable configurable input limit, low
Set configurable input limit, low
Enable configurable input limit, high
Set configurable input limit, high
Select downscale at error
Select zero output at error
Select upscale at error
Select no error action - output undefined at error
Section 13.4 - Document history
The following list provides notes concerning revisions of this document.
Rev. ID
Initial release of the product
Help text overview