Section 13.3 - Help text overview
Set correct password
Enter advanced setup menu?
Select current input
Select voltage input
Select 0...5 A input range
Select 0...2.5 A input range
Select 0...1 A input range
Select 0...0.5 A input range
Select custom current input range
Select 0...230 V input range
Select 0...120 V input range
Select 0...2.83 V input range
Select 0...1 V input range
Select 0...0.5 V input range
Select custom voltage input range
Select display unit
Select decimal point position
Set display range low
Set display range high
Select current as analog output type
Select voltage as analog output type
Select 0...20 mA output range
Select 4...20 mA output range
Select 4...20 mA with safety readback
Select -10...10 mA output range
Select -20...20 mA output range
Select 0.0...1 V output range
Select 0.2...1 V output range
Select 0...5V output range
Select 1...5V output range
Select 0...10V output range
Select 2...10V output range
Select -1...1 V output range
Select -5...5 V output range
Select -10..10 V output range
Select active output mode
Select passive output mode
Set Analog output response time in seconds
Select Analog Output Function
Enter Language setup
Enter Password setup
Enter Simulation mode
Perform Process calibration
Enter Display setup
Perform Memory operations
Load saved configuration into module
Save configuration in display front
Adjust LCD contrast
Adjust LCD backlight
Write a 6-character device TAG
Analog output value is shown in display line 3
Device TAG is shown in display line 3
Calibrate Input low to process value?
Set value for low calibration point
Calibrate Input high to process value?
Set value for high calibration point
Use process calibration values?
Enable simulation mode?
Routing Diagram