OMEGA DPU91-BC Batch Controller System
Remote Batch Module is missing.
No signal from Flow Sensor.
External Stop signal is preventing batch start or Remote Stop button is held down.
Bypass relay must be set on Bypass Relay Select option, under the Relay Menu.
See page 20, under Relay Two Stage mode.
Main relay shutoff percentage cannot be zero.
Volume entered during Volume Calibration is too low to calculate a K-Factor.
K-Factor error during volume calibration.
Value cannot be zero.
At least one batch must have a non-zero volume.
Batch size is less than or equal to Manual Compensation value.
Manual overrun compensation is greater than or equal to the size of at least one
of the stored batches.
Overrun was detected.
ow was detected.
No S
L communication or a sensor was detected.
ow was detected.
18. Error Messages
19. Alarm Acknowledgement Messages