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Calibration Information

All gauges are factory calibrated on NIST traceable calibra-
tion equipment. No calibration is required before placing the 
gauge into service.
Gauges can be returned to Omega Engineering for factory 
certified recalibration. NIST traceability is available. Gauges 
can also be recalibrated by any metrology lab with pressure 
calibration equipment at least four times more accurate 
than the gauge.
Absolute reference models display atmospheric pressure if 
the gauge port is open to the ambient. It is normal for the 
reading to constantly change in response to atmospheric 
pressure changes. Vacuum generation and atmospheric 
pressure measurement equipment for accurate calibration 
and thus these are more difficult to calibrate in the field.

Calibration Preparation – All Models

All gauges are factory calibrated using NIST traceable cali-
bration equipment. Calibration is not required before using 
the gauge. Calibration intervals depend on your quality 
standards, but annual re-calibration is customary.
Calibration equipment is not required to zero gauge refer-
ence ranges. Absolute reference ranges may be zeroed with 
application of full vacuum. 
Span calibration should only be performed using appropriate 
calibration procedures with calibration standards that are 
at least four times more accurate than the gauge being 
The calibration system must be able to generate and mea-
sure pressure/vacuum over the full range of the gauge. A 
vacuum pump able to produce a vacuum of 100 microns 
(0.1 torr or 100 millitorr) or lower is required for vacuum 
and absolute gauges.
Connect gauge to a 8-24 VAC 50/60 Hz or 9-32 VDC power 
Allow the gauge to equalize to normal room temperature for 
approximately 20 minutes before calibration.

Calibration of Ranges up to 1999

For DPG1000AD and DPG1100AD models remove the front 
covers to access the zero and span calibration potentiom-
For DPG1100AD models unscrew the nylon cover screws to 
access the zero and span calibration potentiometers.
Gauges may be re-zeroed without affecting the span cali-
bration. For gauge reference models the gauge port must 
be open to the ambient. For absolute reference models full 
vacuum must be applied. 
Adjust the zero control until the gauge reads zero with the 
minus (–) sign occasionally flashing.
Zero calibration must be done before span calibration. 
Using the appropriate pressure standards, record readings at 
three to five points over the range of gauge and adjust span 
control to minimize error and meet specifications.

Calibration of Ranges 2000 and up including 
3000 psi, 5000 psi

Entering Calibration Mode

Remove the rear cover to gain access to the UP and DOWN 
buttons located near the lower right and left corners of the 
circuit board.

With the gauge off, press and hold the DOWN calibration 
button, and also press the front button.
The full-scale pressure range and display test is shown, and 
then CAL is displayed to indicate that the calibration mode 
is enabled.
Release all buttons. The gauge enters and remains in 
the calibration mode until restarted manually or power is 
removed. Features not related to calibration are disabled. 
If the power is removed during calibration, settings will not 
be saved.
The display will indicate the current pressure reading, 
updating approximately 3 times per second. 
Each press of the UP or DOWN button makes a small 
correction, which may not always be indicated on the 
display. Press and hold the button for one second or longer 
to make larger corrections. The gauge’s display is adjusted 
to match the calibrator’s reading.

Gauge Reference Ranges (3 Points)

With the gauge port open to atmosphere, the character 
display will alternate between ZERO and CAL. Press the UP 
and DOWN buttons to obtain a display indication of zero.
Apply full-scale pressure (or vacuum for vacuum gauges). 
The character display will alternate bSPAN and 
CAL. Press the UP and DOWN buttons to obtain a display 
indication equal to full-scale pressure.
Apply 50% of full-scale pressure. The character display will 
alternate bMID and CAL. Use the UP and DOWN 
buttons to obtain a display indication equal to 50% of full-
scale pressure.

Absolute Reference Ranges (3 Points)

Apply full vacuum to the gauge. The character display will 
alternate between ZERO and CAL. Press the UP and DOWN 
buttons to obtain a display indication of zero.
Apply full-scale pressure. The character display will 
alternate bSPAN and CAL. Press the UP and 
DOWN buttons to obtain a display indication equal to full-
scale pressure.
Apply 50% of full-scale pressure. The character display will 
alternate bMID and CAL. Press the UP and DOWN 
buttons to obtain a display indication equal to 50% of full-
scale pressure.

Bipolar (±) and Compound Ranges (4 or 5 Points)

With the gauge port open to atmosphere, the character 
display will alternate between ZERO and CAL. Press the UP 
and DOWN buttons to obtain a display indication of zero.
Apply full-scale positive pressure. The character display 
will alternate bSPAN and CAL. Press the UP and 
DOWN buttons to obtain a display indication equal to full-
scale pressure.
Apply 50% of full-scale positive pressure. The character 
display will alternate bMID and CAL. Press the UP 
and DOWN buttons to obtain a display indication equal to 
50% of full-scale pressure.
Apply full vacuum. The character display will alternate 
between –SPAN and CAL. Press the UP and DOWN buttons 
to obtain a display indication equal to the full vacuum 
Gauges using a ±15 psig sensor have a –MID calibration 
point. Apply 50% of the full-scale vacuum range (for 
example, –7.4 psi for a ±15 psi gauge). The character 
display will alternate between –MID and CAL. Press the UP 
and DOWN buttons to obtain a display indication equal to 
50% of full-scale vacuum.

Exit Calibration Mode and Verify Calibration

Exit the calibration mode and save the calibration data 
by pressing and holding the front button until the display 
indicates OFF.
Verify readings at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of full 
Replace the rear cover and screws, taking care not to pinch 
the wires between the case and the rear cover.






Ranges above 2000


DPG1000, DPG1001


DPG1000AD, DPG1001AD, 

DPG1000ADBL Ranges above 2000
