The CIO-CTR05 and CIO-CTR10 are easy to use. Here is the quick start procedure
for those who know how to open the PC and install expansion boards, and want to
dive right in. The CIO-CTR10 is really a single board with two CIO-CTR05's on it.
For the balance of this manual we will refer to both boards as the CIO-CTR, and will
only use the complete board name in instances where there are items specific to one
board or the other.
This quick start procedure will help you quickly and easily setup, install and test your
board. We assume you already know how to open the PC and install expansion
boards. If you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with board installation, please refer to
your computer’s documentation. Though we recommend the use of InstaCal to guide
you through your installation, detailed written instructions are provided in the next
We recommend you perform the software installation described in
sections below prior to installing the board in your computer. The
operations below will show you how to properly set the
switches and jumpers on the board prior to physically installing the
board in your computer.
Windows (in its various forms) and DOS users install the program by running the
INSTALL.EXE program supplied on your InstaCal diskette (some releases of InstaCal
will provide SETUP.EXE rather than Install.EXE. Use SETUP.EXE if it is included
on your InstaCal disk). It will create all required folders/directories and unpack the
various pieces of compressed software. Simply run install/setup and follow the on-
screen instructions. Note where the installed files are placed, as you will need to
access them in the next step (the default location is on your main hard drive in a direc-
tory or folder named C:\CB\).
EC Declaration of Conformity
Part Number
5 channel counter/timer board
10 channel counter/timer board
to which this declaration relates, meets the essential requirements, is in conformity
with, and CE marking has been applied according to the relevant EC Directives listed
below using the relevant section of the following EC standards and other normative
EU EMC Directive 89/336/EEC: Essential requirements relating to electromagnetic
EU 55022 Class B: Limits and methods of measurements of radio interference
characteristics of information technology equipment.
EN 50082-1: EC generic immunity requirements.
IEC 801-2: Electrostatic discharge requirements for industrial process measurement
and control equipment.
IEC 801-3: Radiated electromagnetic field requirements for industrial process
measurements and control equipment.
IEC 801-4: Electrically fast transients for industrial process measurement and control
Carl Haapaoja, Director of Quality Assurance