Amount of Detergent to Use
Prop er Use of De terg ent
Use only deterge nt specifically made for the use in dishwashers. Keep your detergent fresh and dry.
Don't put powdered d etergent into the dispenser until you're ready to wash dishes.
Dishwasher detergent is corrosive! Take care to keep i t ou t of reach of c hildren.
Alw ays add the dete rgent just before starting each wash cycle.
Only use branded detergent and rinse aid for dishwasher.
If th e lid is close d: press rele ase button. T he lid will sp ring ope n.
Fill the detergent dispen ser with detergent.
The marking ind icates the dosing levels, as
illustra ted o n the right:
The place for main wash cycle detergent.
The place for pre -wash cycle detergent.
Please observe the man ufacturers dosing an d storag e
Recommendations as stated on the detergent packaging.
Close the lid and press until it locks in place.
If th e dishes are heavily soiled, place an additional
deterge nt dose in the pre-wash detergen t ch amber. T his deterge nt will take effect during the pre-wash phase.
Fill in Detergent
The information about the amount of detergen t for the sing le programme please refer to the Wash
Cycle Ta ble on the page 8.
Plea se b e aware, tha t according to the level soiling and the specific hardness of water d ifferences
are possible.
Plea se o bserve the manufacturer's recommendations on the detergent packaging.