Section 8 - Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Solution
1. Unit will not turn on.
a. Check all electrical connections.
b. Check rear panel fuses.
c. Unit requires service, contact our
customer service department.
2. Unit turns on but the target
a. Check that you have entered a setpoint
plate will not get hot.
above the ambient temperature.
b. Verify that the controller is set to its
factory default settings.
c. Unit requires service, contact our
customer service department.
3. Unit turns on but the target
a. Check that you have entered a setpoint
plate will not get cold. below the ambient temperature.
b. Verify that the controller is set to its
factory default settings.
c. Unit requires service, contact our
customer service department.
4. Controller display shows
a. Unit requires service, contact our
“Error” and the target plate
customer service department.
will not get hot or cold.
5. Target plate temperature will
a. Verify that the controller is set to its
not stabilize to within ± .1°F factory default settings.
of the setpoint temperature.
b. Unit requires service, contact our
customer service department.
6. Unable to communicate with
a. Check that you have made the proper
the unit through the RS232
wiring connections between your unit
connection port.
and computer.
b. Check for proper communication
parameter settings in the controller and
your computer, (i.e. Baud, Parity, etc.)
c. Check that your message string contains
the correct letters and characters for the
command you want to send.
d. Unit requires service, contact our
customer service department.