R Cullimore - Using Olypus ws110 digi-rec v5 - 3 Dec 08
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Renaming files on the PC
You may want to rename the recorded files to help you remember what each contains.
To rename the files on the recorder before you copy them across, or afterwards on the PC:
1. Click once on the name of the file, pause, then click a second time
2. Type in an appropriate name, press the Enter key on the keyboard and the name
should be changed
C4. Copying TO the recorder
You can copy any ‘WMA’ audio file (eg music or other track ‘ripped’ from a CD) from the PC
to the recorder and then play it back on the recorder later on. This could be useful if you
have powered speakers to plug in to the recorder to allow play-back to the whole class – but
remember to observe any copyright limitations.
To copy a file to the recorder simply drag it from where it is kept on the PC and put it into
the appropriate recorder folder. This leaves the original file exactly as it was and makes a
copy of it on the recorder.
Note that when you come to play the new file on the recorder itself it will probably be at
track 01 in that folder and any other tracks will have been ‘shuffled forward one’ to make
You can also use the recorder as a portable memory device by setting up new folders on
the recorder whilst plugged in to the PC, and copying files across to it. However, once
unplugged from the PC, there is no way of seeing the extra folders on the recorder itself as
the display can only show the normal 5 folders (A-E). Similarly, only files in WMA format
will be assigned track numbers, other types of file in the 5 folders will be invisible on the
recorder’s display.
C5. Safely removing the recorder
To avoid damaging data files, you should:
1. Make sure that the recorder light has stopped flashing;
2. Click on the ‘Safely Remove Hardware’ icon (or similar), normally at the bottom-right
of the computer screen;
3. Click on the ‘Safely remove USB Mass Storage Device’ option that should pop up;
4. Wait till you see the ‘Safe to Remove Hardware’ message;
5. Unplug the recorder from the PC, find the battery-compartment part and gently push
the two parts back together.
What to do if ‘device cannot be stopped right now’ message appears at step 4:
First, make sure you don’t have any programs running on the computer that may be using
the recorder (eg Windows Media Player) and close them if you do. Then, wait 30 seconds
or so and try again. If the message still comes up, the safest thing to do is to shut down the
PC completely, then unplug the recorder. Alternatively you can simply unplug the recorder
without shutting down – which is not the recommended way (as there’s a small chance you
could damage a recorded file) but doesn’t normally cause any problems.